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AI-Bot-Trading perfektioniert. Exhaustion Trading Signals®

Wir sind der Überzeugung, dass effektive Handelsstrategien nicht exklusiv für große Investmentfonds bestimmt sein sollten, sondern allen zur Verfügung stehen müssen. Wir bieten dir essentielle Signale, das erforderliche Wissen und die Werkzeuge, um als Trader Erfolg zu haben. Beginne mit unserem AI Trading Bot Tyson, einer Premium-Algorithmus-Handelsplattform, und meistere die 5-zu-100-Methode. Diese Strategie stellt einen risikoarmen, über Jahrzehnte hinweg erprobten Ansatz im algorithmischen Handel dar, der herkömmliche Handelsmethoden überlegen ist
Raffiniertes Risikomanagement mit quantitativem Ansatz.

Plagued by persistent red bags?

For years, we've sought a 3Commas strategy that bypasses this frustrating cycle.
With vyn, the likelihood of of getting stuck in a trade has been significantly reduced.

Our focus?

To prevent you from entering those losing trades or to not build up big positions at high prices.

Our solution?

These enhanced orders are tailored to current market volatility, ensuring you avoid accumulating losses and secure optimal entry points.

So hat unser AI-Bot die Signale gehandelt.

Monthly P&L*
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Year
2020 17.27% 6.8% -2.81% 2.01% 0.09% 2.80% 6.18% 5.39% 11.14% 5.41% 29.29% 14.52% 148.07%
2021 32.50% 7.12% 3.81% 16.39% 8.79% 20.84% 10.67% 12.29% 31.54% 26.37% 18.05% 11.54% 513.21%
2022 17.52% 9.96% 27.93% -0.32% 25.08% 11.09% 41.94% 1.66% 6.31% 5.9% 13.89% 7.31% 347.46%
2023 31.34% -0.81% 0.00% -6.24% -11.72% 13.44% 2.10% -3.31% 12.03% 23.12% 12.78% 6.11% 99.33%
2024 -9.25% 38.21% 5.89% -9.59% 10.58% -9.98% 8.58% 12.77% 13.29% 9.35% 49.17% 9.24% 196.18%
2025 -15.42% -3.36%
*Diese Tabelle deutet nicht auf zukünftige Ergebnisse hin! Die Resultate werden für jede Teilnahme unterschiedlich ausfallen aufgrund von Markliquidität und unterschiedlichen Ausführungspreisen sowie verschiedenen Handelspaaren, je nachdem, wo die Strategie begonnen hat! Ein vollständig systematisches Handelssystem erfordert auch manuelle Überwachung und Positionsverwaltung.

15 Jahre empirisches Wissen der Amsterdamer Börse - in einem Tool

Gamechanger im

tyson bietet einen verfeinerten Anlageansatz abseits von Buy-and-Hold, charakterisiert durch minimierte Rückgänge, rigoroses Risikomanagement und konstante Gewinnrealisierung. Die Strategie zielt darauf ab, kleinere Verluste zu absorbieren und auf signifikante Gewinne zu setzen, unabhängig von Marktschwankungen.
Tyson ist ein risikoarmes, über Jahrzehnte hinweg erprobtes Algorithmisches Trading, das herkömmliche Methoden in den Schatten stellt.

Wir unterstützen diese Exchanges:

Binance Logo Gold
ByBit Logo
KuCoin Logo
Coinbase Logo
*all signals are created on the Binance Universe. Please note that ByBit, KuCoin, MEXC, and Coinbase may not support the full range of trading pairs available on Binance. As a result, performance outcomes may vary.
Proven Track Record

Our strategy combines low risk with high reward potential

Proven Track Record

Our strategy combines low risk with high reward potential

Proven Track Record

Our strategy combines low risk with high reward potential

Proven Track Record

Our strategy combines low risk with high reward potential

Nachgewiesene Erfolgsbilanz
Unsere Strategie: Geringes Risiko, hohes Gewinnpotenzial
Exhaustion Trading Signals®
Exhaustion Trading Signals® deuten auf mögliche Markttrendumkehrungen hin, indem sie Statistiken, Handelsvolumen und Marktsentiment analysieren. Diese Signale, die Momente identifizieren, in denen Verkäufer an Schwung verlieren, deuten auf einen strategischen Einstiegspunkt mit minimiertem Risiko hin. Durch die Untersuchung der Marktliquidität und die Kombination verschiedener Datenscience-Techniken helfen diese Signale Tradern, optimale Zeitpunkte für den Markteinstieg zu ermitteln.
Unsere Strategie betont ausgefeiltes Risikomanagement mit wichtigen Handelswerkzeugen: Limit-Orders, Gewinnmitnahme-Niveaus, ein enges Stop-Loss und zugewiesenes Kapital pro Handel. Dieser Ansatz verhindert Überoptimierung und gewährleistet Zuverlässigkeit, verbessert die Genauigkeit der Marktvorhersage und die Entscheidungsfindung in volatilen Märkten.
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Das tyson Manifest

Das Traden an der Börse ist ein Schachspiel, bei dem man die richtigen Züge machen muss, um Gewinne zu erzielen.Leider beinhaltet dies auch die Akzeptanz von Verlusten.

Die erforderliche Verlustquote kontrastiert stark mit dem, was das menschliche Gehirn aushalten kann, bevor es zu emotionalen Reaktionen kommt, die das Traden für viele unerreichbar machen. Der Schlüssel liegt darin, den Umgang mit Verlusten zu institutionalisieren. Ob durch manuelle Implementierung eines Systems oder durch dessen komplette Automatisierung.

Im Grunde ist erfolgreiches Traden das methodische Akzeptieren von Verlusten.Viele Trader, die eine hohe Trefferquote anstreben, reagieren eigentlich nur defensiv auf das von ihnen eingegangene Risiko, was paradoxerweise zu den Ergebnissen führt, die sie eigentlich vermeiden möchten. Es besteht tatsächlich ein Zusammenhang zwischen geringen Erträgen und einer hohen Erfolgsrate pro Trade.

Bei den langfristig rentabelsten Strategien sollte der Anteil profitabler Geschäfte etwa bei 20% liegen, während die übrigen 80% möglichst schnell mit geringen Verlusten abgebrochen werden sollten, um Kapital für den nächsten Erfolgstrade frei zu machen.Diesen Weg zu beschreiten ist für Menschen außerordentlich schwierig. Hinzu kommt, dass viele der abgebrochenen Trades sich später doch in die gewünschte Richtung bewegen, was den Frust des Traders noch erhöht.

Dies ist ein weiterer Grund, warum es für den durchschnittlichen Menschen beinahe unmöglich ist, die notwendigen Schritte für den Tradingerfolg zu akzeptieren.All diese Elemente schüren die Angst vor Reue und verleiten den Trader oft dazu, den einfacheren Weg des Kaufens und Haltens zu wählen, was eine suboptimale Methode darstellt, die nicht in der Hand des Traders, sondern in den Händen des Marktes liegt.

Wenn dies deine Erfahrung beschreibt und du wegen dieser Mentalität Verluste erlitten hast, könnte nun der Zeitpunkt für einen Wandel gekommen sein – ein Wechsel zu einem erprobten und ausgeklügelten System, das mehr bietet als das, was 95% der Marktteilnehmer bevorzugen.
tyson - Systematisches Traden perfektioniert.
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Diese Trades hast du verpasst.

Unten findest du ein Echtzeit-Diagramm, das unsere Handelssignale anzeigt, dargestellt mit einer Verzögerung von 7 Tagen. Diese Signale werden in ihrer rohen Form präsentiert, ohne die Anwendung irgendwelcher Geldmanagementstrategien. Obwohl dieses Diagramm die Robustheit der Signale unterstreicht, berücksichtigt es keine ausgelösten Stop-Loss- oder Take-Profit-Orders.
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Das sagen die User über den Tyson Pro Bot.

Sieh dir die Feedbacks und Stories unserer zufriedenen User an, die die Vorteile unseres Services ausgeschöpft haben und unser Angebot ihre Trading positiv beeinflusst haben.
Transitioning to tyson pro's method from a basic buy and hold strategy has been a brilliant move for me. The protection against volatility while capturing significant profits is impressive.
Edison Schmid
Edison Schmid (Swiss)
tyson user
tyson pro has completely overhauled my trading approach. The signal precision is like having a Swiss hedge fund's analytical power in my hands. The risk-to-reward optimization is nothing short of professional.
Lukas Mutz
Lukas Mutz (Germany)
tyson user
I tried many signals already. All kinds of Premium signals... I was hesitant to try out this trading bot at first because it’s a bit expensive, but I’m so glad I did. Their tyson bot has been extremely accurate and have helped me make some serious profits. Thank you!
Gary Aishai
Gary Aishai (Israel)
tyson user
I'm an advanced trader, and I had fun learning about his own projects and indicators, which are definitely worth picking up if you want something that works. Highly recommended!
promarketers1 (Montserrat)
Fiverr Student
vyn and tyson user
The shift to using tyson pro strategx has been transformative for my portfolio. The algorithm's nuanced understanding of market trends has allowed me to secure profits while mitigating risks effectively. Amazing money management!!!!
Claire Dubois
Claire Dubois (France)
tyson user
Diving into the world of automated trading with the tyson bot was a big step, but the results have been astonishing. The precision and consistency of the signals have far exceeded my expectations.
Luis Rodriguez
Luis Rodriguez (Mexico)
tyson user
The clarity and accuracy of Tyson's signals have made a significant difference in my trading outcomes. It's incredible how much confidence the signals brought to my trading. I’m using them for manual trades on leverage:)
Khaled Al-Mansoori (UAE)
Khaled Al-Mansoori (UAE)
vyn and tyson user
I tried many signals already. All kinds of Premium signals... I was hesitant to try out this trading bot at first because it’s a bit expensive, but I’m so glad I did. Their tyson bot has been extremely accurate and have helped me make some serious profits. Thank you!
Gary Aishai
Gary Aishai (Israel)
tyson user
tyson has drastically changed my view on automated trading. I've seen a noticeable increase in my profit margins since I started using the 5-to-100 method. The money management tips have also been a lifesaver in volatile markets.
Antonio Moreno (Mexico)
Antonio Moreno (Mexico)
tyson user
The tyson system's approach to risk management has completely transformed my trading strategy. I’m less stressed about market fluctuations and more confident in my trades.
Jason Lee (Canada)
Jason Lee (Canada)
vyn and tyson user
I was initially skeptical about the whole algorithmic trading concept, but tyson has made a believer out of me. Its systematic trading signals have been spot on, making trading seem almost effortless.
Haruto Takahashi (Japan)
Haruto Takahashi (Japan)
tyson user
tyson's detailed trading signals and easy-to-understand risk management techniques have provided a clear path for me in the chaotic world of trading. I've never felt more in control of my investments.
Edson Clark (United Kingdom)
Edson Clark (United Kingdom)
tyson user
Thanks to tyson, I've finally cracked the code of systematic trading. The 5-to-100 method has not only improved my trading outcomes but also deepened my understanding of market mechanics.
Nikhil Mehta (India)
tyson user
The money management strategies taught by tyson are pure gold. They’ve helped me minimize losses and capitalize on gains more effectively than ever before.
Claude Dubois (France)
vyn and tyson user
After integrating tyson into my trading routine, I’ve noticed a significant uplift in my monthly returns. The systematic trading signals are incredibly accurate and easy to follow.
Lukas Bergmann (Germany)
tyson user
tyson has been a game-changer for my portfolio. The algorithm's precision and the comprehensive risk management strategy have drastically cut my losses and increased my profit rate.
Sarah Kim (South Korea)
tyson user
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Transitioning to tyson pro's method from a basic buy and hold strategy has been a brilliant move for me. The protection against volatility while capturing significant profits is impressive.
Edison Schmid
Edison Schmid (Swiss)
tyson user
tyson pro has completely overhauled my trading approach. The signal precision is like having a Swiss hedge fund's analytical power in my hands. The risk-to-reward optimization is nothing short of professional.
Lukas Mutz
Lukas Mutz (Germany)
tyson user
I tried many signals already. All kinds of Premium signals... I was hesitant to try out this trading bot at first because it’s a bit expensive, but I’m so glad I did. Their tyson bot has been extremely accurate and have helped me make some serious profits. Thank you!
Gary Aishai
Gary Aishai (Israel)
tyson user
I'm an advanced trader, and I had fun learning about his own projects and indicators, which are definitely worth picking up if you want something that works. Highly recommended!
promarketers1 (Montserrat)
Fiverr Student
vyn and tyson user
The shift to using tyson pro strategx has been transformative for my portfolio. The algorithm's nuanced understanding of market trends has allowed me to secure profits while mitigating risks effectively. Amazing money management!!!!
Claire Dubois (France)
tyson user
Diving into the world of automated trading with the tyson bot was a big step, but the results have been astonishing. The precision and consistency of the signals have far exceeded my expectations.
Luis Rodriguez (Mexico)
tyson user
The clarity and accuracy of Tyson's signals have made a significant difference in my trading outcomes. It's incredible how much confidence the signals brought to my trading. I’m using them for manual trades on leverage:)
Khaled Al-Mansoori (UAE)
vyn and tyson user
I tried many signals already. All kinds of Premium signals... I was hesitant to try out this trading bot at first because it’s a bit expensive, but I’m so glad I did. Their tyson bot has been extremely accurate and have helped me make some serious profits. Thank you!
Gary Aishai
Gary Aishai (Israel)
tyson user
tyson has drastically changed my view on automated trading. I've seen a noticeable increase in my profit margins since I started using the 5-to-100 method. The money management tips have also been a lifesaver in volatile markets.
Antonio Moreno (Mexico)
tyson user
The tyson system's approach to risk management has completely transformed my trading strategy. I’m less stressed about market fluctuations and more confident in my trades.
Jason Lee (Canada)
vyn and tyson user
I was initially skeptical about the whole algorithmic trading concept, but tyson has made a believer out of me. Its systematic trading signals have been spot on, making trading seem almost effortless.
Haruto Takahashi (Japan)
tyson user
tyson's detailed trading signals and easy-to-understand risk management techniques have provided a clear path for me in the chaotic world of trading. I've never felt more in control of my investments.
Edson Clark (United Kingdom)
tyson user
Thanks to tyson, I've finally cracked the code of systematic trading. The 5-to-100 method has not only improved my trading outcomes but also deepened my understanding of market mechanics.
Nikhil Mehta (India)
tyson user
The money management strategies taught by tyson are pure gold. They’ve helped me minimize losses and capitalize on gains more effectively than ever before.
Claude Dubois (France)
vyn and tyson user
After integrating tyson into my trading routine, I’ve noticed a significant uplift in my monthly returns. The systematic trading signals are incredibly accurate and easy to follow.
Lukas Bergmann (Germany)
tyson user
tyson has been a game-changer for my portfolio. The algorithm's precision and the comprehensive risk management strategy have drastically cut my losses and increased my profit rate.
Sarah Kim (South Korea)
tyson user
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